A drawing action/performance/sculpture in response to Drawing Exercise 4: Now You See It… WELCOME TO THE ABYSS!, 2021. The prompt for this exercise was inspired by Simone Browne’s idea of “dark sousveillance” from her book Dark Matters. Each rock has the words “through glass” applied to the surface with crushed willemite from Franklin, NJ, visible under shortwave ultraviolet light. I left one rock at nine different desert sites north of Los Angeles including: Fort Tejon State Historic Park, Site of Sandberg’s Hotel, Gordon’s Ferry Historic Landmark, California Correctional Institute in Tehachapi, Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park, Exxon Valdez oil tanker prop from Waterworld, Boeing NB-52B Mothership OO8, Golden Queen Mine, Chase Bank of Lancaster, CA. The drawing ‘constellation’ is also a key delineating the locations of each encrypted rock.